Nuestra Seńora de Loreto

Founded in 1697 Misión de Nuestra Seńora de Loreto Conchó is the greatest Jesuits achievement in this part of Mexico. In fact, it is the oldest still standing mission. Founded earlier in 1683, San Bruno was the first Christian mission in Baja California peninsula, but it has lasted for only 12 years. For the Jesuits, the success of Loreto became the basis for further expansion, the creation of the entire missionary system in the peninsula.

Misión de Nuestra Seńora de Loreto Conchó::Loreto, Baja California, Mexico::
Misión de Nuestra Seńora de Loreto Conchó
Barred Window::Loreto, Baja California, Mexico::
Barred Window

The well-preserved church in Loreto, Baja California Sur has a simple exterior. This is a typical Jesuit stone-built complex. It dates from 1740 and includes not only a church building with a baroque gilded altar, but also enclosed courtyard with workshops and quarters for resident Indians. Mission complex was required back then in order to force Indians to live with missionaries. The indigenous people were simple hunter-gatherers and had never lived in any form of settlement.

Baroque Altar::Loreto, Baja California, Mexico::
Baroque Altar
Bell Tower::Loreto, Baja California, Mexico::
Bell Tower
Enclosed Courtyard::Loreto, Baja California, Mexico::
Enclosed Courtyard

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